Official Name: People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria

Capital: Algiers

Currency: Dinar

Algeria or People Democratic Republic of Algeria by world’s ranking is the 10th largest country which belongs to Africa continent. Algeria is a Muslim country with the population of 46.3 million and has total area 2,381,741 square km. The official and national tongue and diction of Algeria are Arabic and Tamazight(Berber) but French is spoken as well in People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria. The life expectancy of Algerian males are 75 years and females are 78 years.

The President is the head of the country, selected by suffrage for period of 2 to 5 years. The President appoints and engages the Prime minister, Provisional Governors and Military leaders while rest 2/3 are selected indirectly by the local and district legislatures. These legislatures handle the issues and disputes like criminal, civil laws, country finance, personal status and misuse of natural reservoirs.

People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria has bicameral legislation composed of lower house, the National Assembly known as Majlis al-shabi al-watani and upper house, the council of Nation known as Majlis-al-ummah.

Location of Algeria

The capital Algiers literally meaning “Islands” has main sea port and has become the focal point by means of political, economic and culture way. The borders are assigned with Niger, Mali, Tunisia, Libya and Morocco as Morocco is the eye of “Sahara Desert” which enwraps the Algeria, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania and Tunisia while assigns maritime borders with Italy and Spain. Mediterranean Sea is located to the north of Algeria.

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) represents 14 various countries, Nigeria, Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, Iraq, Libya, Iran, and UAE whereas Algeria is the largest member country of OPEC joined in 1969. Like other natural resources or deep pockets Uranium, Lead, Ore. Phosphates, Iron, the Oil and Gas are the lifeblood of Algerian’s economy.


Algeria does keep up the energetic and agile small Military, Air force and Navy. Arabic is considered to be mandatory diction for educational system. The literacy rate is approximately 2/3 for males and less than 0.5 for females so due to unavailability of expert and knowledgeable Arab lecturers and these qualified lecturers have been hired by the Algerian government form other Arab Islamic countries. Like Islamic universities other well reputed institutions are set up in capital Algiers and Constantine.

Various sport games like Valley ball, Handball and Athletics are soulfully played in Algeria but Football (soccer) is the national game of Algeria as its own national football team is entitled by its national animal Fennec Fox, a small desert fox with immensely large ears.

In spite of governmental restrictions and military violence Algeria has effective and efficient printing presses and media in the Arab countries. Algiers, Oran and Constantine are publishing Daily Newspaper, weeklies and host of magazines in both Arabic and French. Two television channels and three radio broad casting channels on air programs in both international dictions like English, Spain and French as well as native dialect like Arabic and Kabyle. Algerian National and Traditional dish or food is couscous made up of small pellets of streamed semolina capped and enwrapped with vegetables, chicken(meat) carrots and chickpeas.

Effective and efficient medical staff center and health care unit have been established a network of hospitals, clinics and dispensaries by Algerian government and facilitate them with free of medical fee to all resident of Algeria as all these charges are aided by Algerian government.