Do you want to learn how to tie a tie or just get better at it? Our step-by-step guide will help you put together a wedding suit.
We’ve all had to know how to tie a tie at some point. Learn how to tie a tie properly, whether it’s for the first time because you’ve finally decided to get rid of your old clip-on or to brush up on your Windsor knot skills. This is especially important if you have a wedding coming up, and don’t forget to learn how to tie a bow tie too.
For the big event, both guests and grooms often need to put one on, and there are several ways to do it. Here is everything you need to know about how to tie a necktie for a wedding, from the simple Windsor knot to the fancy and classy tie knot.
In short, Easy Ways to Tie a Tie In a Hurry? There is a tie knot for that, so don’t worry. The Windsor Knot is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “tie.” It’s easy to do and looks great with almost every suit.
Different Kinds of Knots for Ties
Lots of different ways to tie a tie, each with its own style, level of formality, and level of challenge. A lot of the time, the suit or shirt you wear with your tie changes what looks best on you. Let’s go ahead and show you the different techniques one by one, with pictures to help you along the way. Let’s tie one on.
How to Make a Full Windsor Knot
This easy tie knot style has a polished triangular shape and is good for job interviews, presentations, and social events. Because it looks wide, this knot goes best with a shirt with a spread collar. You can tie the full Windsor knot without much trouble, even though it might look hard.

How hard it is: Easy
1. Raise the shirt collar and wrap the tie around your neck so that the wide end is on the right and hangs about 12 inches below the narrow end. This is the start of the full Windsor knot.
2. Put the wide end of the tie over the narrow end.
3. Pull the wide end up through the neck hole and then down.
4. Putting the wrong side out, go under the narrow part and to the right of the wide end.
5. Cross the wide part over to the left of the narrow part so that the right side is looking out.
6. Get the wide end and pull it up through the neck hole.
7. Put it through the hole at the front when you bring it down.
8. Holding the loose ends with one hand, carefully slide the knot up toward the collar with the other hand until it’s tight. Then, lower the collar.
The Half-Windsor Knot
You can do a lot of different things when getting ready if you know how to knot a tie. Adding variations only makes the options bigger. For a standard look, the half Windsor knot has a triangular and symmetrical shape. Since it’s not as big as the full Windsor, it looks best with bigger, medium-weight ties and goes with any dress shirt. The Half Windsor knot is easy to do after following a few simple steps.
Just like with the full Windsor knot, raise the shirt collar to start. Wrap the tie around your neck so that the wide end is on the right and the narrow end is about 12 inches below it.

How hard it is: Easy
1. Put the wide part over the thin part.
2. Put the wrong side of the wide part behind the narrow part and cross it over it.
3. Move the wide end to the left and up.
4. Pull it through the neck hole so that the wrong side is facing the right.
5. Cross the wide end over the narrow end from right to left so that the right side is looking up.
6. Put the wide end back through the loop around your neck.
7. Put it through the hole at the front of the collar to bring it down.
8. To make the knot right, hold the tails with one hand and slide it up with the other.
9. To finish off the look, bring the shirt collar down.
How to Make a Four-in-Hand Knot
When you wear a wide necktie made of heavy cloth, the four-in-hand knot looks good. Learn how to tie a tie in this way to make a simple outfit look more stylish. When worn with a regular button-down dress shirt, it looks its best. People can quickly learn how to tie the four-in-hand knot from a few simple steps.

How hard it is: Easy
1. To finish this knot, lift the shirt collar and wrap the tie around your neck so that the wide end is on the right and hangs about 12 inches below the narrow end.
2. Cross the wide end of the tie over the narrow end.
3. Put the wide part under the narrow part.
4. Cross the wide side over the narrow side.
5. Put the wide end through the neck’s big loop.
6. Put a light grip on the knot and slide the wide end down through the loop in front of you.
7. With one hand on the narrow end of the tie at the bottom, slide the knot up with the other until it’s neat and tight. To finish off the look, bring down the shirt collar.
How to Make a Trinity Knot
Once you know how to tie a tie the basic way, you can move on to more complicated methods. The Trinity knot is a stylish hairstyle that is based on the Trinity sign. The Trinity knot is a little trickier to tie than the Windsor or four-in-hand knots because it has a more complicated shape. However, it is a stylish choice for formal events.

How hard it is: medium
1. Raise your shirt collar and wrap the tie around your neck so that the wide end hangs on the right side, just above your navel. This is how you tie the Trinity knot.
2. Pinch the wide side of the tie long ways just below the collar to make a hole in the cloth.
3. Cross the thin part over the thick part.
4. Put the thin end through the middle of the neck.
5. Move it back to the right side.
6. Cross it over to the other side, wrong side up, under the thick part of the tie.
7. Raise the narrow part.
Pull it through the neck hole and to the right to make a heart shape.
2. Bring it up through the neck loop and across the heart shape.
3. Stick the top loop of the knot loose as you pull it through the knot.
4. Move it to the other side behind the thick part.
5. Pull the short end up and through the free loop.
6. Make sure the knot is tight and even, and then tuck the end under the collar. To finish off the look, fold down the shirt collar.
How to Make a Pratt Knot
The Shelby knot is another name for the Pratt knot. It makes any dress shirt look stylish. You can use light to medium-weight ties to make this knot work well because it is smaller than the Windsor knot. It only takes a few easy steps to learn how to tie the Pratt knot.

How hard it is: Easy
1. Raise the shirt neck and hang the tie on the wrong side up so that the wide end hangs about 12 inches below the narrow end on the right side. This is the start of the Pratt knot.
2. Put the wide end of the tie under the narrow end.
3. Bring the wide end up, loop it down through the neck hole, and pull it tight.
4. Cross the wide end to the right so that the right side is facing up.
5. Pull it up through the hole in the neck.
6. Put it through the hole of the knot.
7. Gently move and fix the knot, then bring the shirt collar down to finish.
How to Make a Kelvin Knot
If you wear this knot, you’ll stand out from the rest. Kelvin knots are simple to learn and give your hair a smooth, even look. If you follow a few simple steps, you’ll be able to tie Kelvin knots without any problems.

Level of difficulty: medium
1. Wrap your tie around your neck so that the thick end is on your left and the seam is facing out. Two or three inches below where you want to finish the tie, hang your end.
2. Go over the thick end and under the thin side that you want to ride. You need to make a “X” under your chin.From right to left, cross the thick end over the front knot. From left to right, wrap around the thin end and go back under the knot.Move from right to left and bring the thick end across the front. Put one finger under the band you just made.Put the thick end under the loop that’s around your collar.
3. Put your thick end through the loop on the horizontal line. Pull the knot all the way down.
4. Pull on the narrow end with one hand while holding the knot with the other.
How to Make an Eldredge Knot
The Eldredge knot makes a strong statement with its complicated shape. Be aware that it may take some time to learn how to tie a tie in this way. Even though there are several steps to making this knot, it’s not as hard as it looks. There are necktie knots that are made with the wide part of the tie, but this one is made with only the narrow part.

Problem Level: Hard
1. Raise the shirt collar and drape the tie so that the wide end lies on the right side just below the belly. This is how you start to tie the Eldredge knot.
2. Pinch the harder side of the tie close to the collar to make a long dot.
3. Cross the thin part of the tie over the thick part.
4. Put the thin part of the tie under the thick part, so that the wrong side is facing up.
5. Bring the thin part up to your neck.
6. Pull it down through the neck loop so that the wrong side is facing up.
7. Take it around the front of the knot to the left.
8. Put it around your neck through the loop.
9. Move it back to the right.
10. Put the wrong side up and put it behind the wide part of the tie on the left.
11. Go around the front to the right and through the loop you made in the last step.
12. Pull the narrow end to the right to make the knot tighter.
13. Pull the end up straight and through the loop around the neck to the right of the knot.
14. Bring it up again, this time over the knot to the left of it.
15. Make a loop with the short tail and bring it up to the right. Leave the knot open.
16. Pull to make it tighter.
17. Tuck the left end behind the side of the neck. For a smart and finished look, bring down the shirt collar.
It’s mostly up to the wedding dress code whether you wear a tie or not. You should wear some kind of tie with your wedding day outfit for more formal events like black-tie and semi-formal. People who don’t have to follow strict dress rules might not have to wear one. You can always take it off if you change your mind.
Are some tie knots more dressy than others?
In general, the more complicated the knot, the more serious it looks. For instance, you should only wear an Eldridge tie to black-tie or black-tie-optional weddings. In the same way, a Half Windsor knot is a bit less formal and should only be worn with party dresses or at semi-formal weddings.
What kind of tie should you wear based on your dress shirt?
Of course. When it comes to suits, balance is everything. Plus, when wearing a thicker shirt collar, you should tie knots that are bigger and thicker. When wearing a shorter shirt collar, you should tie knots that are smaller and thinner.
Some outfits look better with a tie, whether you’re going to a business meeting or a party. A straight tie, which is worn under the shirt collar and tied at the throat, makes a suit, vest, or shirt and pants look more professional and classy. Pretty much any wedding guest outfit looks better with it. It might look like clip-on ties are the best way to go, but hand-tied straight ties look better.
Many new styles and looks are possible if you know how to tie a tie. You can pick from six of the best tie knots, so there’s one for every shirt style and neck size. We recommend starting with the full Windsor if you want an easy knot. With our how-to movies and easy-to-follow steps, both men and women can wear a well-tied tie in minutes. For best results, people should practice knots in front of a mirror.