Official Name: Islamic Republic of Bangladesh

Capital: Dhaka

Currency: Taka

Bangladesh or the Islamic Republic of Bangladesh is situated in South Asia by the worldly ranking it is the 8th populous country in the world with the population of 169 million and total area of 148,460 square km. Bengali is the national and official diction of Bangladesh.

Bangladesh is unicameral parliamentary system where parliament assigns president as head of the state for period of 5 years then President elects the Prime minister as head of government known as the leader of legislative system.

Bangladesh assigns borders with India and Myanmar. The capital Dhaka is the largest city and eye of Bangladesh by means of political, cultural and financial aspects. Chittagong the 2nd busiest city of Bangladesh has sea port on the Bay of Bengal.

Naturally enwrapped with rivers known as” Land of Bengals” is the heavily inhabited country of the world with Muslims community. There are 5 rivers which capture the beauty of the country, the rivers Chittagong hill and plains, the Bengal rivers, Jamuna and connecting channel growths in China, the Padma (Ganges) and deltaic streams upsurges in Nepal so Bangladesh does not have control to flow any of rivers that waters as none of rivers of Bangladesh upsurge from its own, they all are crossed from Indian land.

Climate of Bangladesh

The climatic condition of Bangladesh is basically monsoon categorized by rainy winds, moderate hot temperatures and high humidity. April is the hottest month in summer and January is the coldest month in winter but June and July are stormy season as catches heavy rainfall. Some part of country is enwrapping with fertile lands(forests) that receives lush vegetation and fruits like mango, coconut, date palm, betel nut, jack fruit and bamboo.

 Though heavily wildlife like mammals, elephants, water buffaloes are used for plowing and pulling carts, various sort of deer, large deer and barking deer, leopard cat as well birds like crows, cuckoos, hawk’s owls, vultures, hornbills, kingfishers, hoopoes, eagles and water birds like Wild geese, ducks, herons and storks are found in Islamic Republic of Bangladesh.

Economy of Bangladesh

Jute, cotton, hides, skins, wheat, pulses such as beans, peas, sweet potatoes oilseeds, tobacco, sugarcane and fruits bananas, mangoes and pine apples, goat milk and goat meat, all these are the primary producer as well the life blood of the country’s economy. But the hurdle in the Bangladesh’s economy is scarcity of mineral resources.

Petroleum is easily available in the country and Natural gas is chiefly used in the manufacture of fertilizer and for thermal power. Jute is performing the excellent role in country’s foreign exchange earnings. Bangladesh yearly imports increase exports, the main exports jute, leather, seafood, knitwear garments and agricultural items and exports to Canada, US, and Europe while imports from South Asia and China.

Efficient education system is performing a progressive role in the country to provide standardized education to its nation. Schools and colleges are established in the country for the betterment of their people. Medical education to several medical colleges have hospital committed to it. Vocational centers, a channel of polytechnic, law colleges and engineering colleges. Specific trainings like arts, home economics, social welfare and researches are given to the Bangladeshi people.